Patrol Rifle Course (2 Days)
This 2-day training course focuses on deployment techniques and use of the patrol rifle as a primary weapon system. The course will prepare front line patrol officers and first responders on how to properly deploy and use the patrol rifle, basic fundamentals of rifle marksmanship and handling, how to zero iron-sighted rifles, and discusses zeroing policy and case law pertaining to liability concerns. Range work quickly moves from basic marksmanship to tactical movement, use of cover, various firing positions, pivots and turns, use of the safety circle concept, reloading under stress, firing on the move, multiple threats, decision-making, and reduced light threat identification and firing.
Required Gear List:
- Duty-type, law enforcement patrol rifle, (rifle or pistol caliber is acceptable), equipped with a sling.
- 600 rounds of duty or training rifle ammunition.
- 50 rounds of duty or training handgun ammunition.
- Duty Belt and Holster, vest, eye and ear protection.
- Waterproof ground cover for prone zeroing exercises.
Download the Patrol Rifle Student Registration Form
Contact GTI, by calling 803-259-1935 or emailing, and we can provide written proposal to attend training. An option to assist with funding to attend this course is GTI's Asset Trading Program (ATP). Click the link in the menu above to find out more about this program.