Advanced Hostage Rescue Tactics (HRT)
The Advanced Hostage Rescue Tactics (HRT) course will expose the operator to advanced hostage rescue theories, tactics and advanced close quarter battle techniques. Emphasis is placed on operating as an emergency assault team and as a more deliberate assault team.
The Advanced Hostage Rescue Tactics (HRT) will teach the operators what an emergency assault team is comprised of, the inherent problems that exist with such a team and the stimulus that provokes a tactical response. Operators will also learn what a deliberate assault team is comprised of, what type of intelligence is needed and the amount of personnel required. Operators will also be exposed to advanced close quarter battle techniques along with clearing techniques involving; hallways, intersections and room entries.
During the five day period, operators will receive maximum amounts of practical application for conducting Hostage Rescue both as an emergency assault team and a deliberate assault team. During this course students, will be exposed to a building block training method, leading into force on force scenarios.
Topics Covered:
- Tactical Options for Resolving Hostage Situations
- Emergency Assault Team (Immediate Action / Direct to Threat)
- Deliberate Assault Team
- Covered Pile Drill
- Close Quarter Battle / Dynamic Entry / Room Clearing Techniques
- Hostage and Suspect Handling
Who Can Attend:
The Advanced Hostage Rescue Tactics (HRT) course is open to Law Enforcement and Military personnel ONLY. Each officer will show or verify employment prior to course registrations.
Required Individual Equipment:
- Tactical clothing
- Helmet
- Body Armor
- Primary weapon system
- Secondary weapon system
- Integrated communication (When Possible)
Download the Advanced Hostage Rescue Tactics (HRT) Student Registration Form
Contact GTI, by calling 803-259-1935 or emailing, and we can provide written proposal to attend training. An option to assist with funding to attend this course is GTI's Asset Trading Program (ATP). Click the link in the menu above to find out more about this program.