GTI's Asset Trading Program
GTI is pleased to offer alternative payment methods to Law Enforcement and Military organizations that do not have budget or DHS funds for training. The Asset Trading Program allows agencies to trade excess equipment with GTI in exchange for training, facility usage, or even new equipment.
Visit our Asset Trading Program page for more information.
Government Contracting Information
The Government Training Institute (GTI) was founded in 2003 to address the needs of law enforcement and military throughout the United States with research-based training. GTI's multiple courses contain a cooperative curriculum base and on-going research from the staff of GTI with over 400 years combined operational military and law enforcement experience.
The Government Training Institute is one of a very few private companies that has been approved by the Department of Homeland Security to offer counterterrorism-based law enforcement training courses. GTI's six DHS approved courses are: ID-001-RESP - Type III Advanced SWAT, ID-002-RESP - Type II Advanced SWAT, ID-003-RESP - Type I Advanced SWAT, ID-004-RESP - Immediate Action Teams (IAT) Active Shooter, ID-006-RESP - Basic SWAT and ID-008-RESP - Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) Awareness GTI has extensive experience in the instruction of law enforcement and military curriculum development and delivery of high-risk training to Federal, State, Tribal, and Local first responders and special team personnel.
GTI also works directly with government, military, and law enforcement personnel to custom-design training programs of instruction (POIs) to support specific needs and requirements. GTIs courses are offered at either of our expansive South Carolina facility or are offered as Mobile Training Teams (MTT) that deploy worldwide. GTI possesses trainers with specialized military and law enforcement “real-world” experience.
DUNS #132095394
NAICS CODES: 531120, 541611, 541618, 541690, 541990, 561612, 611430, 611513, 611519, 611699, 713990, 928110
SIC CODES: 8249, 8299, 8331, 8748, 9221, 9229, 9711
DHS Funding Sources
The Government Training Institute Inc is a private law enforcement training, police training, and military training facility and mobile team. The Government Training Institute offers agencies and units a full training facility featuring; mat rooms, ten thousand square feet of moveable walls for close quarters combat, a low light training area, two fully equipped classrooms, an arsenal of training weapons, live fire facilities, an obstacle course, a use of force laboratory and secure weapon storage designed to meet the training needs of military and law enforcement personnel.
The Department of Homeland Security has approved the following curriculums for delivery:
- ID-001-RESP - Type III Advanced SWAT Operations for Terrorist Environments
- ID-002-RESP - Type II Advanced SWAT Operations for Terrorist Environments
- ID-003-RESP - Type I Advanced SWAT Operations for Terrorist Environments
- ID-004-RESP - Immediate Action Teams (IAT) Active Shooter: Rapid Law Enforcement Tactical Response to Violence and Terrorism in the School Setting
- ID-006-RESP - SWAT – Law Enforcement Tactical Operations for Terrorism Response (Basic Concepts and Tactics)
- ID-008-RESP - Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) Awareness Training
The Department of Homeland Security distributes billions of dollars in grants to states, territories, urban areas and transportation authorities under programs to bolster national preparedness capabilities and protect critical infrastructure. Department of Homeland Security funds can be used to cover training costs, airfare, mileage, per diem, hotels, position back-fills along with other costs associated with the specific training.
Visit the U.S. Department of Homeland Security FEMA website (www.firstrespondertraining.gov) to identify your specific state's point of contact and learn how to apply for and schedule training.
All of GTI's courses listed above are included in the State Sponsored Catalog which can also be located on the FEMA site.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: How much DHS funding is available for my state and who do I contact about the funds?
- A: Individual states vary on the amount of funding available. Please contact GTI or reference your states point of contact (SAATPOC) information on the FEMA website www.firstrespondertraining.gov.
- Q: Can overtime and backfill funding for officers be covered by DHS funds?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense.
- Q: What do the acronyms SHSP, UASI and LETPP stand for?
- A: SHSP = State Homeland Security Program, UASI = Urban Area Security Initiative, LETPP = Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program.
- Q: Can overtime and backfill funding for part-time and volunteer emergency response personnel be covered by DHS funds?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense.
- Q: Can DHS funds be used to plan and conduct training workshops or conferences to include costs related to planning, meeting space and other meeting costs, facilitation costs, materials and supplies, travel and training plan development?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for these expenses.
- Q: Can DHS funds be used for travel costs for planning operations related to training or for attending an ODP-sponsored course?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETTP funds all allow for this expense. Airfare, mileage, per diem, hotels, etc… are all allowable expenses.
- Q: Can I purchase Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) with DHS funds?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense.
- Q: I feel that IED's and explosives materials are a threat. Can I use DHS funds to purchase explosive device mitigation and remediation equipment?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense.
- Q: My agency has funding from the Department of Homeland Security. Can I use the funding to attend a GTI course?
- A: Yes. The training must not supplant existing resources, but rather must build additional capabilities above and beyond those that currently exist.
- Q: Can DHS funds be used to purchase detection equipment?
- A: Yes (but not with LETPP funds) SHSP and UASI funds allow for this expense.
- Q: I am interested in using GTI's consulting services; can I use DHS funds for this?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense. The applicant’s formal written procurement policy or the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) must be followed.
- Q: Can my agency purchase decontamination equipment with DHS funds?
- A: Yes (but not with LETPP funds) SHSP and UASI funds allow for this expense.
- Q: Can DHS funds be used to purchase CBRNE reference material?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense.
- Q: Can my agency purchase CBRNE incident response vehicles with DHS funds?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense.
- Q: Some of GTI's courses mandate certain supplies that we do not currently have. Can we purchase these items with DHS funds?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense. Supplies are items that are expended or consumed during the course of the planning and conduct of the training project.
- Q: Can DHS funds be used to purchase terrorism incident prevention equipment?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense.
- Q: Can I use DHS funds to pay for physical security enhancement equipment?
- A: Yes. SHSP, UASI and LETPP funds all allow for this expense.