Government Training Institute Newsletter November 2009

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GTI Monthly Mission Brief
Joint Operations Center

Facility Rentals Available

GTI's Joint Operation Center (JOC) is a premier tactical training center to today's military and law enforcement personnel. GTI's JOC is available to solve your facilitation and training needs. The JOC training site includes:

• Decommission Nuclear Fuels Processing Plant
• Over 200,000 Square Feet of Buildings
• Rappel and Fast Rope
• CQC Live Fire / Explosives Range - Scalable up to 300 Yards
• 800 Meter Sniper Range
• 50 Million Gallon Controlled Access Private-Water Training Area

To schedule your facilitation / training or for more information contact

Calendar of Events

November & December

November 2nd - 27th Type III-II-I SWAT
November 9th - 13th Immediate Action Teams (IAT) Active Shooter
November 9th - 19th JOC Facility Rental
November 16th - 20th Immediate Action Teams (IAT) Active Shooter
November 30th - December 14th Type III SWAT
December 7th - 11th Anti-Terrorism Force Protection
December 7th - 11th Basic SWAT
December 7th - 13th Basic SWAT

Custom Rappel and Fast Rope

February 11th - 13th, 2010

The Government Training Institute is offering a three day custom Rappel and Fast Rope course designed to enhance and develop the capabilities of the student. The student will learn proper gear selection and inspection along with procedures, tactics and techniques on both fast rope and rappelling. The student will be tested during every phase with an emphasis on safety. At the conclusion of this course the student will leave with a greater sense of confidence as well as an understanding of the inner workings on both fast rope and rappelling.

For more information visit; Custom Rappel and Fast Rope.

Host: Government Training Institute
Date: February 11th - 13th, 2010
Location: Barnwell, South Carolina
Basic SWAT - DHS State Sponsored Course

February 8th - 14th, 2010

The Government Training Institute's Basic SWAT course covers 23 separate modules in a 7 day period. Students learn proven tactics, techniques and procedures for SWAT operations. Students learn SWAT operations specific to terrorist threats and current mission essential tasks utilized by SWAT teams across the nation. Students have daily performance evaluations as well as written exams throughout the course.

For more information visit; Basic SWAT.

Host: Government Training Institute
Date: February 8th - 14th, 2010
Location: Barnwell, South Carolina
Tactical Response to Domestic Violence

March 8th - 9th, 2010

There is no arguing that domestic violence, in its different forms, takes a tremendous toll on its victims and society. As a responding officer who has to handle the call, you must take into consideration the protection of the victim, the arrest of the offender, and the methodology to break the cycle of violence while maximizing your safety.The Government Training Institute's new Tactical Response to Domestic Violence class, is a two day curriculum, which will give the officer proven tactics, techniques, and procedures to deal with DV calls for service. The class consists of four hours of lecture time and a day and a half of practical exercises involving Simunition training.

For more information vist; Tactical Response to Domestic Violence.

Host: Government Training Institute
Date: March 8th - 9th, 2010
Location: Barnwell, South Carolina
Tactical Response to Terrorism

March 15th - 19th, 2010

This is an extremely fast paced and demanding five day class that focuses on the threat of terrorism, a major challenge facing federal, state, and local law enforcement officers, Department of Defense Personnel and those responsible for Force Protection. Tactical Response to Terrorism is a course designed for the frontline, developed from the identification of critical need factors facing U.S. Law Enforcement. This course was designed for the patrol officer, however small Special Team Units have given this course, high evaluations. In light of a POST 9/11 world, skill sets for U.S. Law Enforcement requirements have changed. This Immediate Action, Counter Assault course takes the student through real life application and familiarization of the possible response.

For more information vist; Tactical Response to Terrorism.

Host: Government Training Institute
Date: March 15th - 19th, 2010
Location: Barnwell, South Carolina
The Government Training Institute (GTI) was founded in 2003 to address needs of state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the United States with research based training. GTI's multiple courses contain a cooperative curriculum base and ongoing research from the staff with 400 years of operational military and law enforcement experience.

Government Training Institute | 1-803-259-1935 | |

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