Government Training Institute Newsletter September 2008

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GTI Monthly Mission Brief
A Word from GTI's President

GTI President Chadd Harbaugh
In June we announced our acquisition of land and the decision to relocate our advanced tactical operations training facility to South Carolina. Selected after a nationwide search the move was a smart one and enhances our ability to deliver second-to-none training to our nation's first responders.

Renovations at the Barnwell and Denmark facilities in South Carolina are ongoing. We're currently in phase three of a six phase project slated for completion January 1, 2009. Soon thereafter, we'll begin offering facility rentals to our partner organizations. GTI is quickly gaining widespread recognition among all disciplines of homeland security, and our collaboration efforts with other law enforcement and military agencies is multiplying.

In addition to commanding the right location, creating an international Center of Excellence commands the right personnel. During this move, four of our long-standing employees travelled 2,500 miles cross country with their families from Idaho to South Carolina -- we thank them for their dedication and years of support. Additionally, three South Carolina residents have joined our elite team, and we look forward to their many years of service.

As we continue to address the readiness needs of this nation, the tempo at which GTI delivers training to first responders (at our facility in South Carolina and throughout the U.S. in a MTT format) is picking up pace. From coast to coast, the need for DHS funded curriculum is evidenced by the number of students enrolled in GTI programs. As of our last count, South Carolina's law enforcement agencies have more officers with DHS Typing System certification than any other state. And, the majority of Ada County Sheriff Department officers are now Type II certified in Idaho. The increase in number of law enforcement professionals with DHS funded training certification isn't just a trend, it's a quest for excellence in counterterrorism techniques among our nation's finest. I'm pleased to be part of an elite organization that facilitates it, and I hope you'll join us.

Chadd Harbaugh, GTI President
Homeland Security Training Center

GTI Barnwell Complex

The Barnwell complex was formerly a Chem-Nuclear fuels reprocessing station that GTI has converted into a homeland security training center for advanced law enforcement and military training scenarios. The Barnwell complex includes:
  • Decommissioned nuclear station
  • Low light training areas for Night Vision Goggles (NVG) and thermal imagers
  • Towers and ascending structures for fast roping and rappelling at multiple heights and difficulties
  • Live fire range scalable up to 800 yards
  • Defensive driving track for convoy operations and Personal Security Detail (PSD) training
  • Controlled access, private-water training area
  • Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) training range
  • Short Range Training Ammunition (SRTA) capable CQB training areas throughout complex
  • Explosive breaching complex
Facility Update

Six Phase Renovation Project

Phase three of GTI's six phase renovation project is underway. The final phase is slated for completion by by January 1, 2009. Current project highlights include:
  • Explosive Breaching Magazine Relocated
  • Rappel Tower Erected
  • Classroom Renovation (Three of Four Complete)
  • Range Construction (Underway)
  • Communication Network (AC, Phones and Internet) Installed
Employee News

GTI Welcomes New Employees
  • Ronald Richardson - Sr. Instructor
  • Jody Still - Facilities Manager
  • Kelly Feldman - Facilities Maintenance
About the Government Training Institute

Founded in 2003, GTI is a center of excellence for law enforcement officers and military personnel whose mission is to train the nation's first responders. GTI's staff comprises 400 years of operational military and law enforcement experience and combines traditional classroom work, research-based training and real-world field exercises to address the requirements of government and law enforcement agencies. GTI delivers more than 30 highly-specialized training programs in the fields of anti-terrorism, terrorism countermeasures, police sniper operations, specialized patrol, high-risk policing activities and a host of law enforcement and military topics relevant to the post 9/11 world.

GTI's Type III SWAT, Type II SWAT, Type I SWAT, Immediate Action Teams (IAT) Active Shooter, Basic SWAT and IED Awareness curricula are approved by the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) grant funding program. In 2008, GTI relocated its training facility from Boise, Idaho to South Carolina. The company is headquartered in Eagle, Idaho.
Government Training Institute | 1-803-259-1935 | |

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