Government Training Institute Newsletter June 2012

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GTI Monthly Mission Brief
The Dirty Secret About Most Current Law Enforcement Training Programs

(Part one of a muti-part report on redefining law enforcement tactical training)

The current model for most law enforcement training programs is failing our officers. In the past decade law enforcement agencies, the threats we face, and operational concepts have all undergone substantial change. It stands to reason that the thinking about our missions and capability and training must also change. We cannot train for yesterday's mission. Today's threats (career criminals, drug cartels, violent gangs, transnational criminal groups, anti-government extremists, terrorist groups and lone wolf attackers) are adaptive, smart and innovative. Their actions cannot be predicted with any degree of assurance. They look for ways to attack our vulnerabilities and will attack people using asymmetrical means. Our training must address the current threat.

At present and into the foreseeable future, tension and conflict exists within the U.S. and throughout the rest of the world that affects the U.S. both directly and indirectly. In years past, law enforcement has narrowly focused on the immediate threats we face inside our jurisdictions and changed training only when we received new technology, new equipment or faced a change within case law. Today's operational environment is changing more rapidly than ever before and is being shaped by factors far more vast than in our past. Science and technology, information technology, transportation technology, social networking, financial collapses, regime changes, and other geopolitical issues are rapidly changing our world. The complexity of today's operational environment guarantees that future operations will occur across the wide spectrum of missions that law enforcement officers and agencies are expected to handle (which has grown substantially since 9/11).

  Read the complete story on our website.

Chadd Harbaugh
Government Training Institute
GTI is Looking for Host Agencies for our Gangs and Terrorism Courses

GTI is looking for agencies that are interested in hosting either of our Gangs and Terrorism courses. Tuition concessions can be made for the host agency when allowing open enrollment for officers outside of their department. If you are interested in hosting or enrolling students into either of these courses contact GTI Via Phone: 803-259-1935 or Email Us:

Gangs and Terrorism
Terrorists targeting America do not operate in a vacuum. They often conspire, utilize and recruit others to further their goals. Most often, and not so obscure, is the partnership between gangs and terrorists developed within communities and prisons across the country. This is not a new concept nor is it merely an historical one, but a current and growing issue that is critical to the protection of the United States. The partnership between gangs and terrorists create new concerns for counter terrorism officials and law enforcement in general.

At the conclusion of the Gangs and Terrorism course, students will have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of gangs and terrorists and how they work together. They will be able to identify gangs and terrorists within their jurisdiction. Students will have the training to identify the indicators of terrorist activities involving gangs and terrorist groups within their community. This course consists of 3 days (24 hours) of lecture.

Gangs and Terrorism - Investigation and Interdiction
Law Enforcement Officers must consider getting out of the 'first responder' mode and into the counter-terrorist mode. They should patrol potential targets as part of routine shift patrols, by utilizing systematically unsystematic patrol techniques, conduct aggressive traffic enforcement, make vehicle stops that are more inquisitive, fully investigate 'suspicious' person's calls and conduct surveillance of potential targets.

At the conclusion of the Gangs and Terrorism - Investigation and Interdiction course, students will be able to: Utilize criminal interdiction methods as a counter-terrorism strategy; Have the understanding of the importance of proactive law enforcement in the fight against terrorism as well as the importance of working with local security forces; Have the tools to identify potential targets of a terrorist attack; and identify local potential terrorist blending regions and hawalas. This course consists of 2 additional days of lecture after attending GTI's Gangs and Terrorism course.
Department of Homeland Security Approved Courses

The Government Training Institute Inc. is proud to offer six courses which are eligible to utilize Department of Homeland Security funding to pay for tuition, travel, lodging and meals when attending training at our facility in South Carolina or when hosting a GTI Mobile Training Team (MTT).

The Government Training Institute's (Joint Operations Center) in South Carolina offers agencies and units a full training facility featuring mat rooms, ten thousand square feet of moveable walls for close quarters combat, a low light training area, fully equipped classrooms, an arsenal of training weapons, live fire facilities, secure weapon storage and several other features designed to meet the training needs of military and law enforcement personnel.

The Department of Homeland Security has approved the following curriculum:
For more information on our courses or our facility, please contact GTI:
Via Phone: 803-259-1935 or Email Us:
Army Sees Greater Role in Anti-WMD Activities

June 12, 2012 / Global Security Newswire / National Journal

The U.S. Army is examining the possibility that as operations wind down in Afghanistan, the service will will take on a growing role in efforts to combat weapons of mass destruction.

Army personnel for instance could be involved in efforts to detect and contain potential unsecured nuclear weapons and materials in Pakistan and other parts of the globe. Such efforts would be in addition to the role already played by specialized units that are prepared for emergency deployment to hot spots, multiple unidentified officials said.

"When you are talking about something the scale of Pakistan or North Korea, it's probably very difficult for just a bunch of special operations guys" to ensure protection of WMD materials, an Army official said.

  Read the complete story on GSN's website.
GTI Training Calendar
Jul 16th - Jul 19th
Jul 16th - Jul 20th
Aug 1st - Aug 10th
Aug 9th - Aug 11th
Aug 13th - Aug 15th
Sep 17th - Sep 19th
Sep 20th - Sep 22nd
Government Training Institute | 1-803-259-1935 | |

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